I read what you wrote about 'Night Labor' and Rachel Corrie. It's very sad and very moving, but I guess these posts are keeping her flame alive, and other flames also.

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Rachel's family have created a foundation with her name, and her good work continues.

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That idea of 'good work' has just reminded me of Wordsworth's line about our 'little nameless acts of kindness and of love', and how they are quite often what survive us in the end.

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I'm reminded of the Dalai Lama saying, "My religion is kindness," which is how my wife Beth operates.

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That is so lovely to hear! 'Kindness and compassion for all living things' is the core of Buddhism. I have always subscribed to that, too.

By the way, you're a very lucky man. Tell Beth I said, 'Hello.'

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I will, thanks!

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This is crushing, and chilling and haunting poetry. I weep. For it doesn’t escape me that the “cloud” could very happen now in our yards, I weep for our survival and the future.

Night Labor has left an indelible mark in my psyche. I am a contemplative, serious and sensitive woman and I pray continually and fervently, for peace on Earth. I appreciate you Sir, Geraldine

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In addition to being a poet, I am a longtime peace activist and the author of a peace plan for Israel/Palestine. We should all do what we can to create peace. I hope you will read my peace proposal and share it.


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Thank you Mr. Burch for being there, for your dedicated passion and hard work and your honorable mission. I am happy to have made your acquaintance here on Substack. Geraldine

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I'm glad we met and thank you for taking the time to read and comment.

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