How truly brilliant and atmospheric 'How Long the Night Is'. It is indeed a little known treasure - a true gem!

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Yes, and hopefully my translation will help it become more of a known treasure, especially if other people share it, as you have.

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It’s so good, I’ve just restacked it with a comment so that they can do precisely that.

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Thanks, it's a gem that deserves more attention.

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These are all good, and the translations of the Greek epigrams for the most part well capture their typical economical elegance. I think though that the version of the famous Simonides epigram alters its basic meaning too fundamentally to be called even a free translation, though there would be nothing wrong with calling it a response to or commentary on the original.

One reason the epigram is famous is how it praises the Spartans in a characteristically "Laconic" form -- the Spartans were famous using few words. I forget now where I read an anecdote about a time when the Spartans and the Athenians were fighting a war together as allies, and an Athenian detachment, being in difficulties, sent the Spartan forces a long message detailing what aid they needed. The Spartans sent back a reply that the Athenians' message was too long for them to understand (was this the first instance in history of TL;DR?) So the Athenians sent the Spartans another message saying simply, "Need food." The Spartans sent them food, along with a reply message pointing out that the word "Need" had been superfluous.

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First, thanks for taking the time to read and for the feedback. I call my translations "loose translations" and "interpretations" to let readers know that I am taking certain poetic liberties. Or I say that I am writing "after" the original poet. I enjoyed your anecdote but "Hamlet" might not be as entertaining if reduced to a single word.

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Walking to Paradise !!! Priceless gift !!

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Irma, I'm glad you think so. And thanks for reading and commenting.

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My Pleasure Sir !! Keep feeding our mind and soul .!

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Your wish is my command!

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